The Get to Know Me Tag - Writer's Edition

Hello, everyone, I'm doing a tag that I've been procrastinating for...


Well, I just checked. It was in July. Of 2018. It's now April of 2019.


Thanks for tagging me, though, Josiah. My sincerest apologies for not doing it, y'know, in a reasonable span of time.

Link back to the person who created the tag (Savannah).
Thank the person who tagged you. Thanks again, Josiah!
Share the tag graphic.  ^^  up there

Tag eleven bloggers.  Nope.  Not ever going to try.

Vital Stats and Appearance:

Penname: Brianna Stacyn

Nicknames: I will answer to "Hey, you," Bree, Britt, Sid(ney), Bria, or something vaguely similar yelled in my direction. I also answer to trouble.

Birthday: December 1st, and y'all really don't need to know the year, just accept that no matter how old you are, I'll still call you "child". 

Hair Color and Length: It used to be down to my waist, but since I cut it, it's grown to right about the top of my shoulders. As for color - sort of light brownish blondish reddish? It's gotten curlier since I cut it, too. Yay?

Eye Color: Blue-grey

Braces/Piercings/Tattoos: No to all, although I've considered all of them.  Braces are a maybe, piercings will be a yes, and tattoos will likely be a yes as well

Righty or Lefty: Extremely right-handed. I wish I was ambidextrous . . . but I'm about the furthest thing from it.

Ethnicity: Mostly Swedish and Norwegian, but I have some English, German, and maybe French (and Sicilian?) in there too.  I'm still a little uncertain about it - I need to ask my birth-grandparents again.


First Novel Written: My bestselling idea, which was set in Middle-Earth and was a complete ripoff of Tolkien. I was about twelve. It didn't really go anywhere, but I did end up using some of the ideas to inspire one of my WIPs. In all honesty, I still can't look back at that without cringing. My characters. Ugh. No idea what twelve-year-old me was thinking, but it wasn't good.

First Novel Completed: Still working on that one. But it'll probably be my assassin/wizard/urban fantasy/misty neon signs/friends/enemies/maybe more than friends now one. I'm rewriting it, so the title is under construction. And, I've found that where I am in life right now is more conducive to short things: poetry, songs, flash fiction. I just don't have the mental capacity to write a novel. (Or the time)

Award for Writing: None, as of now. Unless making my creative writing professor laugh counts.

First Publication: I co-wrote an article for the camp newspaper at government/leadership camp, if that counts. Otherwise, nothing yet.

Conference: I'd love to go at some point, but life is getting in the way.

Query/Pitch: I have neither a finished novel nor a pitch. 

I have pretty much failed at answering this section. 

Moving on!


Novel (that you wrote): My currently untitled and in progress rewrite. It's an urban fantasy, and I love the dark, misty, haunting feel of the story. I'm hoping I can find the time and energy to work on it in the upcoming months.

Genre: Ugh. I guess fantasy or sci-fi? But I'll read a lot of things. If we're talking genre to write in - fantasy, probably. Although I do like writing contemporary short stories with a dash of weirdness and darkness. Also, I have a taste for dark comedy...

Author: Don't even ask. If y'all want a short list - C.S. Lewis (I've gotten to see the wardrobe that inspired Narnia, by the way. Seriously amazing.) J.R.R. Tolkien, Maggie Stiefvater, and I'll stop there.

Writing Music: Are you kidding me? I write to everything from angsty emo, instrumental soundtracks, hard rock, soft pop, rap, dark electronica, punk rock, indie, death metal, alternative, to hip-hop. My music taste is weird, y'all.

Time to Write: Nighttime. Or whenever inspiration strikes, which is typically after 9:30. Or when I want to.

Writing Snack/Drink: Mango strips. Seriously. You haven't lived until you've sat on your bed, staring at your computer, mindlessly eating mango - at 3:30 am because you really do need to finish this paper. 
I don't usually snack while I write, actually. An occasional mint - because I'm really more bored than hungry, anyway - and water or hot chocolate are about it.

Movie: Ugh, these questions are way too hard. I guess The Princess Bride, The Count of Monte Cristo, and maybe Courageous.

Writing Memory: Oof. That's a tough one. Probably either using the word "sesquipedalian" correctly in a written final exam or the time I read a story aloud in my creative writing class. That was fun - a couple of my classmates were almost crying from laughter by the end.


Reading: Some non-fiction, (re-reading) The Great Divorce, and a whole lot of high schoolers' papers. (The commas. The commas are killing me. Help.)

Writing: Mainly papers, assessments, and other sundry homework assignments, as well as the occasional poem, lyric, or snippet of a piece.

Listening To: At the time I'm writing this exact sentence, it's "Modern Day Cain" by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME. And at the second edit, it was BROCKHAMPTON. And yes, both those bands do capitalize their names that way.  The third edit, it was twenty one pilots.

Watching: Nothing, really.  I don't have the time or inclination for that.

Learning: That you can't take more than one day at a time. Sometimes, you can't even take more than one minute at a time. But you have to keep going, no matter what. Somehow, somewhere, you'll find the strength to take that next step. And the next one. And the next one. You may not walk out of the darkness today. You might end up crawling out, battered and bruised, next week or next month or next year. But you will make it out. I promise. Meanwhile, look up and try to catch a glimpse of the sun. Because it's still there; it's just hidden behind the foggy clouds right now. Keep fighting. If you can't stand, find someone to lean on - and hold them up too. And never, never, never give up.


Want to be Published: I'd like to be published, yes. I don't know if it'd be a full-length novel, a novella, a poetry collection, or even some songs, but I'd like to get something I created out into the world. Lately, I've been feeling like I've got something to share, and if that's the case, it'd be nice to share it.

Indie or Traditional: Traditional is my dream (isn't it everyone's, though??), but indie is probably the way it'll end up.

Wildest Goal: For life, or writing, or what? Not helpful, question.

Writing Goal: Finish something completely - I'm absolutely terrible at this.

Life Goal: Honestly? I'd love to be involved in the music industry, whether the business, production, or performing side. I want to reach people, especially those who feel alone, through some form of communication, and music has been a major factor in my life. I'd like to pass the favor on.

So, that's me, I suppose.  At least, as much of me as comes across in a blogging tag with pre-established questions, so...

Anyway, I'm kind of back?  Kind of not?  We'll see.  

What did y'all think?  Do you share any of my music tastes?



  1. I really love what you said you're learning. Honestly, I feel like I'm kind of in that same spot, but maybe not where I know I'll make it out... like I know I will, but it's hard right now. And knowing that I'm not alone (though I don't want anyone in this mindspace ever) makes me realize we're in this together. <3

    I'm glad to see you're kind of back. Your humor is so refreshing, especially the part where you said you also answer to trouble. XD

    God bless and Happy Easter.

  2. I cracked up when you said, "I also answer to trouble." XD

    And wow, your music taste is definitely . . . unique? Diverse? I feel like we need to create a new word to encompass it. ;)

    Great post, Brianna! Happy Easter!

  3. Great post! Yes, traditional is every author's dream but don't give up! I'm currently going to go the indie route but first trying for traditional helped me grow in so many areas!
    Happy easter, darling!

  4. I listen to a lot of instrumental music while I write too. And totally agree that mango strips are the best! (I usually eat mine frozen, which I guess is kind of weird but . . . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. )

  5. I love this tag girl! Your first story made me laugh :)

    And I love mango strips too :)



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