Goodbye Forever, Summer 2018

I know.  I've been gone without any warning.  For over a month.  There's no excuse, and I'm sorry.  But life's hit me over the head with more than I knew it had in store, and I've dropped blogging because I simply didn't feel up to it.  However, hopefully I'll actually stick around this time.

I decided to pick a nice, cheerful title.  How'd I do?

Anyway, my summer was kind of filled with contradictions.  It was hot and cold, busy and laidback, exciting and slow, and filled with oh so much fun and oh so much stress.

Life Happened And It Was Very Weird

• I put a bag on a frog's head.  Oops.

• My friend dragged me along to a summer basketball thing.  I went back three times. :)

• Cabin time with theatre friends!!  And no one drowned!  And we got sleep - even after someone decided to tell creepy stories involving wallpaper and human skin.  All in all, one of my favorite parts of the summer.

• I got my class schedule for the fall semester all set.  And . . . I decided to take seventeen credits (Macroeconomics, Spanish, American Government, Biology, and Practical Math.)  And I'm excited!  No English classes this semester, but I think I'll have fun anyway.  If, of course, I live through it, and that's honestly looking pretty doubtful.

• I attended a Christian leadership camp with a focus on government, and that was an AMAZING week.  Since it was my second year, I knew a fair amount of people, and the relationships I developed over the time were almost unbelievable.

• Also, a lot of arguing about drugs.  Specifically the opioids our bill focused on.  Also, for some reason, people were sniffing highlighters.  I wish I had pictures of the whiteboard in our gathering room, because it was flat-out weird by the end of the week.  You know, when I was living on five hours of sleep per night.

• The worship there was absolutely life-changing, especially the Tabernacle sessions.  I cried for about forty minutes straight the first night, but I really felt God speaking to me, and I got answers to a few questions that have been weighing on my heart.  I wouldn't trade that for anything.

• I did a year's worth of math in three weeks.  Not recommended, by the way.  Just don't.  Please.

• Either I'm a bad influence, or my friends are a bad influence.  In the past month, I've plotted to infiltrate the Illuminati, invade Poland, murder several undetermined people, refuse to sleep and live on caffeine instead, see how long I can wear a sweatshirt in 90 degree weather (five hours), adopt a hamster and train it to kill our enemies, and other things I'm sure I'm forgetting.

• My Econ professor was handing out bananas.  It was interesting.  I guess it did keep the class from monkeying around.  (I'm not sorry.)

• I went out for coffee with a couple friends, and we sat outside in a thunderstorm and discussed murder and stress from classes.  It was perfect.

• In one of the classrooms, someone wrote "Gullible" on the ceiling, which would be great - except they very infuriatingly spelled it as "Gullable" and it really just drives me crazy.

• So anyway, my life is a thing.  Not sure exactly what, but it's interesting.  And no matter how stressful it gets, I do enjoy at least half of it.

I Actually Watched Some Movies!

Les Miserables
Great movie!  Loved the singing, and the story was so good.  I almost cried, and that's unheard of.

Inherit the Wind
Very interesting - made me think.  Courtroom drama about the Scopes Monkey Trials.

Also very thought-provoking.  A very good movie, with an interesting ending.  Old, but good.

The Importance of Being Earnest
I meant to watch a different one, but it wasn't awful.  The story is ridiculous, and I laughed a lot.

October Sky
Another thinking one.  Based on the book "Rocket Boys," by Homer Hickham.  Lots of overcoming difficulties and launching small rockets.  Very fun.

The Princess Bride (Re-watched)
Inconceivably good!  I love this movie.  And I quote it far too much.  Just go watch it again.

Odd Things Overheard This Month By Yours Truly

 "When I'm with you, all I get is wild ducks."  (It was wild thoughts, but I'm apparently deaf.)

"Yes, you're terrifying!  You said you were going to eat your roommate!"  (Misunderstandings . . . be careful about inside jokes.)

"Mr. Chairman, I apologize for trying to speak."  (Said in a tone that suggested an apology for his entire existence.)

"You're not white, you're French."  (I don't know what my friend was thinking either.  You'll have to ask him.)

"Government is an insatiable monster."  (My American Government professor is a very interesting teacher.)

"Are we sure physical violence is a good thing?"  (Don't even ask.)

Other than all of that, I listened to way too much music - can't wait to see what my Spotify stats are - probably didn't sleep enough, and did overall enjoy summer.  It was a crazy time, but I learned a lot and developed some amazing friendships.

What was your summer like?  How do your classes (if you have them) make you feel?  What have I missed in the past month or so?  



  1. My summer was good, I entered into a writing contest (didn't win) but it was fun anyway. :)
    P.S. when you said "Goodbye forever" on your blog post title I was worried that you were leaving your blog.

    1. Oh good! Aww, I'm sorry you didn't win, but that's good that it was fun! :)

      Oh no! I didn't think that through, I guess. Well, I'm not leaving it - hopefully, I'm coming back to it. :D

  2. Heyyyy, you’re back! (Love the ever so cheery title, by the way.)

    Good luck this semester! (Although - NO ENGLISH CLASSES??? *mild freak-out session*) Hope you have a great fall semester/September!

    1. I am! (Why thank you, I like it as well. :D)

      Thanks! (I KNOW, I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT! *joins you in freaking out*) You too! Best of luck, and try to survive. ;)

  3. you are going to invade Poland??????!!!! I highly sugest you don't , even though I don't know how you'd do that alone. Sounds like you have some crazy professors! Ugh, math! in the future I will have to take remdial math courses, and im not thrilled. English is awesome! I'm not taking English 110 thi semester but I will probably in the fall. What will your hardest class be for you?

    1. Oh, don't worry, I didn't come up with the idea. And I'm making the guy who came up with it take all the blame if things go wrong. :D I do have some crazy professors, but they're pretty good. I'm a little worried about math too, but I hope it'll go okay. Oof, I'm sorry. I'd say my hardest class will probably be Spanish or Math. We'll see.

  4. Good to see you back!! :D
    I was worried when I saw "goodbye forever" on the title, lol. Have an amazing school year! <3

    1. It's good to be back. :D
      Oh dear, that seems to be a common theme. I didn't think that through, lol. Thanks - you too! <3

  5. Your title had me worried - glad to see you back girl!!!! Big thumbs up for Les Mis!!! <3

    1. Oh no! I really need to think these things through more, apparently. :D Yes indeed!! I'm already trying to find a time to watch it again. :)

  6. This summer was a busy one, but it was fun!!! glad your back!!! (: - June

    1. That's good to hear! Thanks, June. I'm glad to be back. :)

  7. Glad to hear your back!
    Nice title by the way....😀

  8. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy your summer, despite it being so busy. That can be hard to do, so it's good that you did. Oh yeah, and your title is spot-on if you were going for one that brings to mind images of rainbows and unicorns. XD

    How small was that bag, or how big was the frog's head? :P

    I hope school's going well for you so far. I'm assuming you're busy, seeing as you haven't posted in a few weeks. Oh, and a former coworker of mine once said that one of his classmates would get high off of sniffing either highlighters or permanent markers, to the point where they would dry out. So I suppose that's what your classmates were attempting to do as well.

    The "gullible" on the ceiling thing makes me think of an animated video I've seen. One guy's like, "It says gullible on the ceiling." The other dude looks up and sees the word there. "Ah, so it does"--he looks back down to see his chest is open--"and you stole my lungs."

    I had to watch Casablanca for my media class when I took a one-year college course a while back. I didn't really care for it or see why it's a classic, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    Oh my word. You've heard some strange stuff. Those quotes are the best. XD

    Again, glad your summer turned out good despite it being really full! :D


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