Liebster Award - What Madness is This?

I got tagged four times, so I'd better do this before I get tagged again.  Thank you to James, Abby, True, and Bri S.  They are responsible for this monstrosity of a post - even after I've split it into two parts (I'll post the second part in a few days.)  Also, there's no way I'm telling y'all 44 things about me, because that'll end up being stuff like: "I prefer my root beer floats with chocolate ice cream," and I can't have you knowing just how weird I am, can I??  So, wait till the end for a special surprise.  (I know at least some of you just scrolled down right now.  Congratulations on falling for my reverse psychology.  😉)

The Rules:

Thank the person who nominated you.  Check!  Thanks again, y'all - this is a great way to jump back in.

Answer the 11 questions they asked you.  Halfway there.  22 out of 44.

Name 11 facts about yourself.  Check . . . kind of.  

Tag other people.  I don't even know who's done this tag by this point, so if you haven't, you're tagged.  Congratulations. 

Give them 11 questions to answer.  I'll include those at the end - you lucky victims.

James' Questions:

Do you play an instrument? Which one?

I do - two if you're counting voice as an instrument.  However, my main instrument is piano, and I've taken lessons for many years.  It's a very useful skill to have, in my opinion.

Bacon or sausage?
Hard choices!  It depends on the day and meal, but I'd probably take bacon.

If you enjoy reading, what is your favorite genre of book?
Fantasy!!  Science fiction is fun, too.  Honestly, I'll read most anything.

What is your top anticipated movie for 2018?
What is up with these ridiculously hard questions??  I'll have to say Solo: A Star Wars Story. 

Why did you want to start a blog?

Short answer: I didn't think it through.

Long answer: I wanted to share my love of books and writing, and I'd been lurking around the blogging community for a while and found it amazing.

6. Your two favorite/coolest names.

  Well, I came up with this one, so I'm biased, but I really like the name Luina.  Also, I really want to put triplets in a story so I can name them Aiden, Braydon, and Cayden.  I say story because actually naming my kids this would be absolutely cruel.  

7. What's your favorite place to go on vacation?
Washington, DC!  I loved it, even though I'm a bit of a homebody. 

What is your dream car?

A flying one, thank you very much.  I hate traffic jams (but love cities - I'm contrary.)  Oh, that doesn't count?  Then I'd like this one.  Yes, please!

Image result for yellow lamborghini

How many books have you read this year?
Not as many as I'd like.  Probably somewhere between thirty and fifty.  Shame on me.  I miss the good old days when I used to read about eight books a week - I had time back then.  :(  However, I'll catch up during the summer.

Do you have a hobby? What?
Reading.  Writing.  Procrastinating.  Sarcasm.  Terrible puns.  Poetry.  

Are you an early bird or night owl?

I am most certainly a night owl.  Too much of one, if I'm honest (try to get more than four hours of sleep, children.  Especially during finals week.)  But mornings aren't bad once I'm awake . . . 

Abby's Questions:

1. What was your favorite childhood book, and why?
The Boxcar Children Series.  The kids had such great sibling relationships, it was set in a simpler time, and they were mysteries!

2. What was your favorite childhood Bible story?
Either David and Goliath, because David was such a hero, or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - I actually once dreamed I saw them in the fiery furnace, cooking burgers on a grill.

3. Which parent are you more like, and what are your similarities to them?
Ooh, that's really hard.  I'm probably more like my mom: we're both very scheduled, Type-A people.

4. What pair of shoes do you most frequently wear?
My Keds tennis shoes!

I am, however, very much looking forward to flip-flop weather.

5. What was the last song you listened to?
Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons

6. You’re handed two tickets: One to Disneyland, and one for a round trip to Rome. Which one do you pick, and why?
The trip to Rome, without a doubt!  I've always wanted to travel the world, and Rome has so much amazing history.  Also, it just sounds a whole lot cooler.  I mean, Disney would also be enjoyable, but I hate roller coasters with a passion.

7. If you could travel back in time, what top three events would you witness?
Anything involving Jesus.

The Crystal Palace at the Great Exposition, because that just sounds awesome.
The day I was born.  I'm very curious.

8. CDs or records?
Spotify.  :D  I couldn't live without my music, y'all.

9. If you’ve seen/read them, Anne of Green Gables movies or books?
Haven't seen the movies, so books all the way!  Or the play, I suppose.

10. Wall calendar or pocket planner or neither?
Anything I'll actually pay attention to that keeps me from running around while tearing my hair out, frantically trying to figure out what needs to be done by when.  So, usually my own memory, but sometimes a planner.  The only thing I usually know, though, is what assignments are due within the next few wee
(I need to get better at this, if you haven't noticed.)
11. What is your favorite TV show?
I, um, don't really watch TV shows . . . I honestly don't have time.  However, I really need to watch Once Upon a Time this summer, since everyone's been yelling at me. :D

And the new questions - for any brave souls who take this adventure upon themselves.  These are your questions, should you choose to accept them.

1. If you were stranded (like on an island or in the wilderness) with one person you know in real life, who would you choose and why?
2. What's your favorite thing about yourself?
3. Can you name a song, place, person, or anything else that always makes you happy?
4. What's something you wish you'd never said?
5. Which fictional character(s) do you relate to the most and why?
6. You've been assigned a major research essay, and the topic must be something you're passionate about.  What's your topic?
7. If you could star in a play or movie, what would it be, and what part would you play?
8. You've been given the chance to change your name.  Do you change it, and if so, what's your new name?  
9. What's your worst fear?  Why?
10. Can you describe the craziest idea you've ever come up with?  
11. What's something challenging that's caused you to grow in significant ways?

And, the surprise!  (You're welcome.)  I couldn't think up forty-four facts about myself, so I decided to make it a game of Eight Truths and Three Lies.  So, in the list below, three of the statements are untrue, and you have to figure out which ones they are.  In real life, I'm actually terrible at this game, but since y'all don't know me in real life, we'll see if I can fool you.  Here goes . . . 

1. I can't stand the taste of fennel or anise seeds.  Which means I really dislike sausages on pizza.

2. Since an incident when I was six, I haven't been able to eat strawberries.

3. I am allergic to macadamia nuts.  

4. My favorite colors are yellow and blue, especially sunny yellow.

5. I read each of the Lord of the Rings books in a single day.    

6. Spiders do not scare me.

7. I have used the word "sesquipedalian" in a written exam.  

8. The Wizard of Oz gave me nightmares.

9. I have been asked for my autograph.   

10. Over the past two years, I've broken both of my wrists.  

11.  Jackals are my favorite animals.

So, which three are the lies?  Are any of these true for you?  Was this post far too long?  Then blame the people who tagged me, because it's obviously all their fault. 



  1. Numbers 2, 5, and 11. I bet a lot of people are going to say 7, but it's so obscure it has to be true. XD


    I'm immune. XD

    Awesome post!

    1. Hmm . . . we shall see. ;)

      NOOOO!! It failed! How did you get this immunity, if I may ask? XD


  2. Wow! Monster tags are fun, aren't they? (I mean, I wouldn't know...I only just did one...)

    Oh my gosh...those triplet names....*shakes head*

    That Bible dream with the burgers was really amusing!

    The Sullivan Entertainment version of Anne of Green Gables is really good (and the sequel, but don't bother with the third one! Just don't!).

    I think the three lies are: #11, #9, and #7.


    1. I would agree . . . but this is my first, so I don't really know. :D But this one was fun!

      That seems to be a typical reaction. XD Now I just need to find the perfect story for them. :D

      It still makes me laugh, honestly. :D

      Oh thanks! I'll have to check those two out! But I will stay far, far away from the third one. :)

      We shall see . . .

  3. Your sarcasm and sass is PRICELESS. Love your sense of humor! :D

    I guess 1, 4, and 9. XD

    1. Aw, thanks so much! That means a lot to hear.

      We'll find out soon! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 5, 9, and 10? You surely haven't broken both your wrists in two years! Have you?-June

  6. I loved this post!!! It was extremely enjoyable to read. I always like getting to “know” my followers and the people who I follow better!

    I am really blown away by how much you can read in such little time.

    I am super stoked for the next post!


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