Liebster Award - More Insanity!

First of all, I must apologize.  I meant to have this up about a week ago, but a lot of other things were going on, so I'm late.  I promise, I'm not gone - just bad at keeping up with things.  All right, let's get into this.  I'm answering the second half of the questions today, and I'll also reveal the truths and lies at the end.  It was so much fun seeing what everyone thought!  

True's Questions:
1. What's your favorite flower? 
Ooh, that's a hard one!  I love most flowers, but I'd have to go with daffodils or roses.

If you could be any character for a day, who would you chose? (And what would you do in that day?) 

Hmm.  I think I'd either want to be Blue from the Raven Cycle, so I could hang out with the Raven Boys; or be Pippin from Lord of the Rings.  As Pippin, I could explore Middle-Earth, but also get to see all of my favorite characters - not to mention I'm a fair bit like Pippin myself.  

3. Favorite part about blogging? 
Meeting people and raving about books.  Mainly talking with people, though.  (That is such an extroverted answer.  Goodness.)

Cats or dogs?
Without a question, dogs.  Always and forever.  Especially those little fluffballs . . . be still, my heart!

5. What song always puts you in a good mood? 
It depends on the day, but most Owl City songs will do it for me, as well as "Down Never Out" by Approaching Nirvana (which I'm actually listening to right now.)  Although I will sometimes turn on some Twenty One Pilots songs for a bit of encouragement, depending on my mood.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
The moon.  Next question?  Okay, fine, New Zealand - to see Hobbiton.  Or London.  I can't decide, y'all!

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Pure chocolate.  In anything and everything.  It's so good . . .   

What's your favorite quote? 
Do you have a few hours?  No?  Well then, I suppose you'll have to be contented with this post. (How convenient) 

What is one achievement that you are really proud of but might seem weird to other people? 
Being able to fall off, down, or over anything.  I've almost fallen down the stairs more times than I can count, I trip on everything, and I keep falling off chairs and sidewalks.  My friends have become very concerned - at least, I think they are.  I can't really tell when they keep laughing.

What book would you always recommend? 
The Bible, The Lord of the Rings, and The Chronicles of Narnia.

11. Who is your biggest source of inspiration?

I honestly don't know.  Maybe my parents?  I've got nothing here.

Bri. S's Questions

1. What is a quote that you really love?
Ooh, another one!  Well, I really like this quote from Sherlock, the BBC series.

"Taking your own life. Interesting expression, taking it from who? Once it's over, it's not you who'll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everyone else. Your life is not your own, keep your hands off it."  

When I first heard it, it just really struck me because it was so true.  So, of course, I saved it to put in a post sometime.  

2. What is a favorite/most vivid childhood memory?
That would have to be my dinosaur dream.  It still makes me grin, honestly.  For context, I think I was about five years old.  Anyway, I dreamed that our living room suddenly had no walls, and it was set right next to our street, where dinosaurs were walking up and down.  So, I caught a Tyrannosaurus and tamed it.  Then, (apparently that wasn't cool enough for me) I caught a T Rex and tamed it as well.  After taming it, I obviously had to show it off - so I rode it to church and showed all the kids. 
In case you're wondering, yes, I do have very weird dreams.  

3. What is one thing God has been taking you through/teaching you this year?
How to trust Him through everything.  And I do mean everything.  If I look back to a year ago today, I'm a completely different person.  Over the past twelve months, I've gone through a ton of stuff - some amazing experiences, and some absolutely terrible things.  But through all of it, I've grown a lot and learned that there's only one person I can always rely on.  I've also learned that worry, stress, sadness, and confusion are so much easier to deal with when you're constantly bringing them to God.  

4. How did your blog start, and where do you hope to see it in the future?
Well, I started consistently reading blogs about a year and a half ago, and I gradually realized that I wanted to blog too.  So, one day I finally just started!  Yes, I really did do that - no preparation or anything.  I honestly don't know where this will end up, but I hope I can continue it for a long time. 

5. What is the longest you have lived in one place? 
Literally my entire life.  Yep.  Although that's going to change soon . . . I don't know what to think about that.

6. Do you see yourself as an optimist, pessimist, realist, or opportunist? 
I'm an unmistakable optimist who also has a streak of realism.  Oh, and some darkly sarcastic humor thrown in there for good measure.

7. What is your typical go-to when you try a new restaurant?
One can sum it up in six words - when in doubt, get chicken nuggets.  This has been a saying of mine for five years, actually . . . whatever that says about me.  

8. Do you re-read books? If so, which have you re-read most?
Yes, but I have to wait at least six months, preferably a year.  Otherwise, the plot is too familiar.  I've probably re-read Narnia and Lord of the Rings the most.  Or maybe Little Women.

9. If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself five years ago?
Enjoy the life you're living right now, because it's going to change a lot.  Always look for the good in people, spend lots of time in the sunshine, make friends everywhere you go, and put God first in everything.

10. What is your favorite part of your every day routine?

Well, that depends on whether we're talking about my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday routine or my Thursday, Friday, Saturday routine.  For the first half of the week, it's when I get to class and see all my friends, or when I "study" (read: talk about everything from religion to mustard gas) with one of my classmates.  For the second half of the week, it's getting to roll over in bed, knowing I don't have to get up yet. 

11. How do you do your devotions (by a schedule, with a study guide, is scripture memorization part of that daily time, etc.)?
I've been kind of bad with this lately, to tell the truth.  Now that classes are finished for the year (yes, I am disappointed), I'm planning on finishing the Bible study I've been working on.  Some days I'll find a passage of Scripture that speaks to what I'm going through instead of using a Bible study, but prayer is always an important part of my time.

And now . . . let's reveal the answers to the Eight Truths and Three Lies!

. . . 

. . . 

. . . 

Here goes!

1. I can't stand the taste of fennel or anise seeds.  Which means I really dislike sausages on pizza.
True, including the sausage part.  I'm finally starting to eat them, but I wouldn't even touch them for years.  

2. Since an incident when I was six, I haven't been able to eat strawberries.
False!  I love strawberries, and I don't remember anything that specifically happened when I was six.  Congratulations to Ivie and Gray on guessing this one correctly!

3. I am allergic to macadamia nuts.
False!  This is one of my go-to lies when I play in person too.  It's not an allergy that would come up often, and it's just weird enough to sound true.  Gray was the only one to get this one, so good job, Gray!!  

4. My favorite colors are yellow and blue, especially sunny yellow.
True!  To go along with my sunny personality of course. 😊

5. I read each of the Lord of the Rings books in a single day.    
True!  I think I was about twelve, so I had nothing else going on in my life to stop me, and I've always read quickly.  Actually, until this year, this was my reading record.   

6. Spiders do not scare me.
True.  They don't, so I'm the designated spider-killer in my friend group.  I've been know to play with spiders before removing them from the premises, and that just scares my friends like you wouldn't believe.  It's rather fun.

7. I have used the word "sesquipedalian" in a written exam.
True!  Final exam: History of Western Philosophy.  In hindsight, it was rather ironic, seeing as I was writing about the need to make language simpler.  But it was the only word that fit. 

8. The Wizard of Oz gave me nightmares.
True.  In my defense, I was eight.  And I'm a scared little (okay, not so little) thing when it comes to movies, for some reason.  Indiana Jones kept me awake for a while - and I watched it last year.  In other words, don't ever ask me to watch a horror movie.   

9. I have been asked for my autograph.   
True!!  And not as an author, either.  He said it was because I wrote in cursive, "and people who write in cursive are going far in life, so can I have your autograph for when you're famous?" but I'm nearly positive that was not the actual motive.  It makes a great story, though.

10. Over the past two years, I've broken both of my wrists.
False!  I've never broken a bone, thankfully.  Although I'm probably going to - I get clumsier as time goes on.  I almost fell six feet onto concrete after tripping on a sixth grader.  Way to go, June - you were the only one to get this one correct!

11.  Jackals are my favorite animals.
True!  Ever since I was twelve, actually.  You can blame theatre for this odd liking.  You can also blame theatre for my Gollum voice.  Come to think of it, you can blame theatre for almost everything, including my falling off a chair while being choked for the third time.  (I'll just leave that there.)

Well, that wraps up this ridiculously long tag!  Thanks again to everyone who tagged me - it was really fun to come up with these answers.   I hope y'all had as much fun reading this as I did writing it - without, of course, the traumatic memories of clumsiness. 

So, were you surprised by any of the truths/lies?  Should I stop being so clumsy?  Is theatre to blame for everything?

Till next time!


  1. Oh how fun! AND you read LOTR books each in a day?! Girl, you are dedicated haha.
    Thanks for posting! <3

    1. I don't know if it was dedication - it might have been more curiosity than anything. :)
      Thanks for reading! <3

  2. Wow, what wonderful answers!

    And yes, I was surprised. You got me good :).

    1. Aww, thanks!

      Oh good. :D It's a little easier online than in person, I must say.

  3. You read a whole Lord of the Rings book in one day? It would probably take me three weeks! I enjoyed the post, and don't feel bad for being clumsy. I'm always dropping something. - June

    1. Yes, I did. I wish I'd taken more time, but oh well. Oh good - I'm not alone! I think it gets worse when I don't get enough sleep. Just don't drop anything on yourself! :D

  4. I totally agree with your philosophy to get chicken nuggets when you don't know what else to get!!

    1. It always works. Well, there was that one time . . . but we don't talk about that. :D They're a pretty safe dish, though.


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