Return of the Blogger, or My Crazy Life in Quotes

So, what has this mythical runaway creature been up to lately?  Besides overload of classwork, of course.  Let's see.  Here's the last couple months, summed up in one quote.

What is this madness called life? - Brianna Stacyn, 2018.

Oh, you want more than that?  Fine, fine.  So, after I posted in March saying that I was going to take a break, I did a LOT of homework.  (And when I say a lot, I mean a lot.  You guys, it was ridiculous.)  Several major papers, three presentations - all at least ten minutes long, all by myself - a few finals (one of which I didn't have time to study for,) the normal day-to-day load, catch-up from being gone, and now I'm done for the year!!!!  Freedom is so sweet, y'all.  Beyond that, what have I been doing?  (Nothing.)  I'm so glad you asked!  Because do I have a lot of fun quotes for your reading pleasure!  Please don't question my sanity after all of this.

First of all, a few conversations from the past couple months.

Nighttime road-tripping:
"This section of Iowa is nice - very rolling and pretty."
Me: "Looks dark to me."

Same trip, middle of the night:
Sibling: *groans*  Preccioussss!  *rolls over*  *keeps sleeping*

Study hall conversations are officially the best.  We are weird people, in all honesty.  Shh, we totally didn't have a DJ and a wannabe chiropractor plying their trades in there.  Here's a few of the best things I've overheard:

"Beowulf?  The weird Scandinavian dude who fought and killed a dragon?"
"Yeah, him."

"They're called screaming services?"
"No, streaming services."

"The actor or the horse?"
*exasperated* "The zebra!"

"Yeah . . . I don't think many people are going to try the orc drink."

Me: "No, Dan, you cannot use a time bomb to blow up a kid!!"

Just some random advice: get enough sleep when you're in the middle of finals week.  Otherwise, this is what happens when one is trying to answer questions late at night, and one's snarky mental voice takes over momentarily:
"The subtle use of dramatic irony in “The Dead?”  I honestly have no idea.  Okay, I can’t actually use this as my answer, so why am I even still typing this out . . . let me get back to you on that.  Good gracious, dear, you’re so ridiculous sometimes.  Now, dramatic irony.  Maybe it’s that I actually finish this?"

This was the only good comeback I had in two months.  My sarcasm seems to have taken a vacation also.

I was playing Spoons with several junior high girls, and there were some junior high boys nearby.  (Recipe for disaster.)  They kept walking up, pointing at each other, and saying, "He's available!" Finally the ringleader comes over.  "Well, I'm available too, but you know, you guys are kind of young, and I don't want to break any hearts . . ."  I turn around and say calmly: "Oh, they're available too - just not to you."  And all the girls (and guys) go "Ooohh."

I wish I could tell all of the funny stories I've lived through, but there's too many.  There was the whole thing with me and stairs, how I found out it's wise to eat breakfast, the plot to invade Poland, the amazing vegetarian sandwich, or my status as the last survivor of a mini zombie apocalypse - they're all ridiculous.  Maybe I'll have to include them sometime.

However, my life has been fairly normal otherwise.  I haven't done much outside of classes, and that's been okay.  The sad part: Now that classes are over for the year, I miss them.  But that's enough about school.  There's not a whole lot of interesting news from the past couple months, but I did pass all my classes, was offered a job next year as a TA for my favorite professor, found out who sent me an anonymous valentine, and was cast in a production of Sherlock Holmes.  

Well, it's good to be back!  I hope this wasn't too overwhelming for y'all, seeing as it was quite a lot of oddities.  Also, I've been tagged (several times) for the Liebster Award, so I'll be doing that within the next week.  I'm still considering making some changes here, and I'll announce those soon as well.  So stay tuned!  And I know I've said this already . . . but it's really great to be back.  I've missed all of you. 

How have all of you been?  



  1. *hugs* I'm glad your back!:)

  2. YOU'RE BACK!!!!

    Life has been SOOOO CRAZY for me, but way too much to talk about here. I have a wrap up post coming soon that will explain a lot. XD

    Those conversations from your life are HILARIOUS! XD

    One new thing is I STARTED MY AUTHOR WEBSITE!!!
    I also got a job. Things have been crazy busy lately. XD

    Ivie Writes
    Ivie Brooks, Author

    1. Whoops, the second link in bad. Let me try that again.

      Ivie Brooks, Author

    2. I AM!! And it feels so good. :)

      Ooh, I can't wait to see that! Life seems to have been crazy for everyone. Hope it's not been too overwhelming for you . . .

      Reading back through, I've realized just how weird the people around me are. XD Glad you think they're funny too!

      And it looks amazing! So pretty. :D
      Congratulations, then - that's always a major life accomplishment, in my opinion. Slightly terrifying, but important. So good job!

  3. Glad to see you back blogging, Brianna.

    1. Thanks so much, James!
      I'm very excited - it was totally unexpected, but a wonderful surprise!

  4. YAAAY YOU'RE BACK!!!!! We've missed you too! I feel about the same as life has been so full of school that I haven't really had time to actually blog. #firstworldproblems

    Anywhoo, I like the Iowa quote! I live in Iowa, but I'm smack dab on the Mississippi (like, literally, I can walk to it. I can here the trains whistling in the train yard right next to it from my house) and my section of Iowa IS NOT flat. Think bluffs--and then bluffs on top of bluffs.

    And, oooh, anonymous valentine?!?! ;D


    1. I KNOW!!! Aww, thanks! Yeah, I eventually decided it wasn't worth it to do both badly, so blogging had to be dropped for a bit. :)

      Glad you do! Oh, cool!! I suppose the area around the Mississippi would be bluffier - is that actually a word? Never mind. ;D But that sounds like an awesome place to live! Bluffs are so pretty.

      Yes . . . it's quite a story. XD It's funny enough that I'll probably tell it at some point. :D

  5. It's so good to see you back!! I'm hoping to start blogging again soon too. I finally got past all my debate tournaments, finals, camps, schoolwork, etc. Congrats on getting it all done! I'm excited to start reading your blog again!

    1. Thanks so much! Oh, that's great to hear! I'll look forward to seeing you back - life really can make blogging hard, can't it? But it's wonderful that you're coming back!


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