Time is Marching On

See what I did there?  😊

Seriously, February has gone by very fast, even though each day moved fairly slowly.  I've done a lot of assignments, written a few short stories, and stayed alive.  That's always a good thing for me.  Also, I've been meaning to post more these past few weeks, but I have had no time - and I've been out of town.  Please accept these excuses and don't yell at me too much.

Three short stories, for class.  I do like them, as rough drafts.  One is a romantic comedy in which four people die.  I didn't intend to kill them off, it just kind of . . . happened.
That's about it, unfortunately.  Oh, unless you count the sonnet I wrote for another class.  With the additional writing this semester, I haven't even touched my WIPs recently.  

The Spinner and the Slipper by Camryn Lockhart
Perelandra by C.S. Lewis
The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson - in progress 

Best Conversations: 

Youth pastor: "So, how do y'all like your popcorn?"
Me: "Popped."
Youth pastor: "Did you really just say popped?"
Me: *grins*

I was mentally arguing with myself one day, very sarcastically, and the voice in my head snarked back at me with this:
One of the symptoms of a heart attack is a sense of impending doom. You have that every day when you look at all the things you need to get done.

"Give a moose a muffin, and you'll have a moose for life."

Sibling: "I slept well, and I like my waffles soggy."

One Friday, I had a get together with some of my closest friends, and we played (as always) live-action Mafia.  So . . . (not real names)

Tom (to his brother): Ouch!  You kicked me in the leg!
Brother: Yes, I know.

I kept bumping into Tom in the dark, too.
Me: *backs into him*
Tom: *screams*

Me: *walking with outstretched hands so as not to run into people*
Tom: "Why are you feeling my face?"
Me: "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Me: *dies*
Friend: *trips over me*  Dead body!  Dead body!
Sibling: "Brianna's the Mafia!  I know it!"  Lights come on.  "Oh."
Everyone else: *bursts out laughing*

So, that was my slightly crazy, very homework filled, and perfectly enjoyable February!  Here's hoping March will be just as wonderful - for you and me both!  What are you looking forward to?  And please tell me I'm not the only one who has weird conversations on a regular basis . . . 



  1. This is hilarious! I 100% approve of all of your friends, and siblings, they sound amazing. :D

    1. Honestly . . . I think so too. :D They are amazing - they put up with me too. XD


  2. These conversions are so funny!:) Don't worry Brianna you aren't the only one who has weird conversions, I have them too!:) Also it sounds like you had an amazing February.

    1. Oh, good! I prefer unique conversations to normal ones, I must say. :) How weird are yours, typically? I did - I hope you did too!


    2. Umm...really weird, most of the time actually!:) How weird are yours.

    3. Well . . . I had to leave several conversations out, or the post would have been too long. :D Mine are very weird - I almost included the one where I was debating with a classmate how many people (characters) we had each killed. I've never gotten so many weird looks! XD


  3. Your live action Mafia game! I love it! I was brutally murdered the last time I played Mafia...but then the doctor saved me which was kind of amazing so. Lol.

    1. It's become a tradition with us. (What that says about the group, I don't know . . . XD ) Oh, that's always nice! We don't play with a doctor, so when you die, you're dead. But you do get to be overdramatic about it and guilt trip the Mafia afterwards. :D


  4. I dearly loved all of the snark in this post :) Don't feel bad about not writing much - I didn't do much either...


    1. Why thank you! :) That's good to hear. During the school year, I rarely write anything outside of classwork, unfortunately. Hopefully we'll both be able to get more done in March . . .


  5. I tagged you, Brianna, for the Liebster Award tag if your interested.


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