Music I Love!

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Oh, hello!  I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you there.  *takes off headphones*  I thought I'd better do a little research for this post, so I'm procrastinat - um, listening to music.  What am I listening to?  I thought you'd never ask!  (Please, be warned that all these songs are extremely dangerous and may provoke plot bunnies, obsession, and/or excessive headphone usage.  Also, all of them are clean, but a few of the groups have rather . . . different names.)  Further up and further in!

Instrumental: Electronic

Down Never Out - Approaching Nirvana

For some reason, I find this song extremely soothing and calming.  Approaching Nirvana has become one of my study music go-to groups this past year, because their songs are upbeat without being distracting.  Also, there aren't any lyrics to make reading difficult.  :D 

Lyrical: Alt-Pop

The Judge - Twenty Øne Pilots

I'm not a rabid fan, but I appreciate their music highly.  This is one of my favorites - it's also a little more overtly Christian.

Instrumental: Soundtrack

The Wailing Wall - Patrick Doyle (Murder on the Orient Express)

I love this one!  The contrast, as well as the distinctly Middle-Eastern flair, make it so fun to listen to.

Lyrical: Rock(ish?)

Warriors - Imagine Dragons

This one gets me in the mood to conquer!  I've also found it helpful for intense/battle scenes.

Instrumental: Pop

Uptown Funk - Vitamin String Quartet

More good study music!  Vitamin String Quartet plays a lot of pop instrumentals, and their take on the song is always intriguing.  (They do Heathens really well.)

Lyrical: Hymn

I Need Thee - Sam Robson

Acapella!  This guy is one of my favorite YouTubers, and a lot of his older stuff consists of hymns.  That last chord, though . . .

Instrumental: Epic Orchestral

Star Sky - Two Steps from Hell

I love this one for writing.  I love all their stuff, actually.  :)  Definitely recommend them for writing, especially if lyrics distract you.

Lyrical: Random

Hanzo vs. Genji Rap Battle - J.T. Machinima

By the way, you can thank Josiah from The Steadfast Pen for this one.  It's been stuck in my head ever since he included it in this post.  (If you want to vote on songs and listen to awesome music, head on over - voting's open till the 21st.)

I'm sorry this got so long.  I just kept thinking of great new categories . . . or trying to work in the song I was listening to.  As you've probably noticed, I have a rather diverse taste in music, and I'm always looking for recommendations!  If you have any, please leave them below in the comments.

Which song was your favorite?
How many have you heard before?



  1. Okay, Imagine dragons is just awesome! I also like the first one you put on here. I'm going to have to look more into them.

    My recommendations that I highly suggest you look into are:
    Tommee Profitt (He produces music that both Fleurie and Srvcina sing and his music is awesome)

    I like moody music because it fits my writing. XD
    I'll be adding warriors to my playlist for a new wip. Great post!!

    Ivie Writes

    1. They're one of my first choices for upbeat music. Ah yes, A>N has become one of my favorite groups in recent months. I love their upbeat style.

      I will check those out! Thanks so much!

      Haha, that's really true. XD
      I hope it's inspiring! Thanks!


  2. I like some of Imagine Dragons - Warriors and On Top of the World being my two favorite songs of theirs. Mine is more of a Celtic mix - I've never been a total rock person.

    Great post, Brianna!


    1. Yes, On Top of the World is one of the songs I play on repeat when the days get long. Have you ever listened to Battle Cry? I find that one to be a little less rock in style, and more of a haunting ballad sort of thing. (I totally know how to describe it too - I feel like Pippin. :D )

      Thanks for reading!


  3. Twenty Øne Pilots!!!! And The Judge is really good!
    I'm a fan of instrumental pop too, it's so much fun. :D

    1. Yes!! I've started listening to them a lot more, and I'm glad I have.
      It is - you can hear the melody without having to worry about the lyrics. Also, you catch the nuances which were originally covered by the words. :)


  4. Aaaaaah, I looooooove Twenty-One Pilots, and The Judge is one of my favorite songs!! (I happen to be listening it to right now!)

    I'm going to add some of those instrumentals to my instrumental playlist - I LOVE finding more instrumentals to write to. :D

    Great post, Brianna!

    Lila - The Red-Hooded Writer

    1. Yeah, I really like that one too. I don't know why, but it just resonates with me more than a lot of their songs. So, I play it on repeat! (No way, really??! That's hilarious!!)

      Glad you could find some! I go through so much instrumental music while writing and studying - probably too much. :D

      Thanks so much!


  5. Aah. Why do I always find new music to listen to when my family is trying to go to bed or watch a movie?

    (Oh, and I tagged you over at my blog...)

    1. *looks about innocently*
      Sorry about that. :D At least you get good music out of it!

      (I saw that! Thanks so much - I can't wait to do it!)


  6. These are awesome, Brianna!:) I really like the "Wailing Wall" from Murder on the Orient Express,
    probably because I really love mysteries.

    1. I glad you like them! Oh, I love that one too. It totally sounds like a chase scene, doesn't it? The entire soundtrack from that movie is really good, especially if you like mysteries. Thanks for reading!


  7. I appreciate your taste! My personal favorites are movie soundtracks (The Force Awakens, here's looking at you) and classical, particularly Beethoven, Chopin, and Mozart. I also love Men of Grace (a now-disbanded Gospel-style college group) and a early 2000's bluegrass band called Way Station.

    --Abby from

    1. Thanks! It's a little more varied than some people can tolerate, but I enjoy a lot of different music. :D Oh, movie soundtracks are so amazing! The Force Awakens was SO GOOD. I listened to it over and over . . . Ah, yes, classical music is wonderful - I appreciate Chopin much more after attempting his preludes. :) Hmm, I've never heard of either of those. I must look them up! *scampers away*
      Thanks for commenting!



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