
Why, hello!  Welcome to my blog, where you may not find what you’re looking for, but you’ll find something.  No promises on whether it will be helpful, however.  If you are wondering why I’ve started this blog, (after all, there are millions of them out there and plenty about books) it’s to fill a sad shortage that has plagued me for several years.  As a Christian and a homeschooler, I had an extremely difficult time finding good books to read as I grew older.  I would browse our local library’s website for hours and come away with only a few titles.  I found a few resources, (Redeemed Reader and Plugged In) but they primarily focused on books for 9-12-year-olds or books for adults.  Unfortunately, I fell right between the age gap.  I was tired of reading short books with shallow plots, but you can only re-read Narnia and Lord of the Rings so many times.  So, after that long explanation, I’ll get to the point.  The main purpose of this blog is to provide book reviews, lists, and recommendations for people like me: voracious readers with nothing to read.  I’ll also talk about writing, trends in the current Teen/YA releases, and may even include a few short stories.  I'll also probably ramble about things that don't seem to relate at all - I can be a bit random.  If this blog only assists one person to find a good book they’ve never read, that’s enough.  I simply want to help teens (and parents) who are looking for a good book.  Happy reading!


  1. Hello and welcome to the blogging world! That is a great purpose to start a blog, I can't wait to see where you go with it! happy blogging!

    1. Thanks! I appreciate your encouragement; it's nice to know people are actually reading what I write. Well, hopefully, I'll end up in the Shire or Narnia, but we'll see. :D Thanks for reading!

  2. Welcome to blogging, Brianna, and thank you for following my blog. I'm glad I finally found your blog to thank you. :)

    I was going to tell you about Rebellious Writing since I'm an activist for them, but I noticed you already follow them, so hopefully that helps you on your journey to finding good books. I do look forward to seeing reviews from you as well. Its wonderful you've decided to try and find good books. I know what it was like and still to this day know how hard it can be to find good books that feel real without all the smut.

    Anyway, all my rambling aside, I just wanted to thank you and welcome you to the blogging community. I can say there are a lot of kind people here who will support you and lift you up.

    God bless you!


    1. Thank you for the welcome, and thanks for following my blog! I'm glad you happened by, too.

      Ah yes, those geniuses. :) Yep, I found the movement early on and eagerly followed their progress. They've already helped a lot, and they've also been a great inspiration for me. To be honest, I'm actually working out of selfish motives - this gives me an excuse to read more. :D Really, I just want people to be able to find good books more quickly. Unfortunately, the YA industry does not seem so interested in that. Some of the things I've run across are absolutely awful.

      Thank you so much. I really appreciate the welcome, as well as the encouragement. I can see that already - you're one of them! :)

      God bless!


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