Whose Standards?

Yes, I know it's Christmas, but I didn't think of that until this was fully written.  Plus, six days before Christmas is probably not the BEST time to start a blog off the top of your head.  Oops!  :D  Anyway, this post is kind of inspired by the Rebellious Writing movement.  You could call it Rebellious Reading??  Hope you enjoy!

My standards, my friends' standards, culture's standards, what do they all have in common?  Not much.  Swearing, in culture's eyes, is completely acceptable - even regarded as "realistic."  Premarital sex is a part of teenage exploration.  Drugs and alcohol carry no consequences.  Nearly every song on the popular radio stations exalts these behaviors and promotes them as normal, acceptable, right.  But what are Christians called to?  We are called to higher standards, to shine the light over an increasingly dark world.  In John 17, Jesus is praying for believers everywhere.  He says: "They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."  We are not called to be indistinguishable from the world!  No, we are called to purity.  "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  (Philippians 4:8.)  If I judge what I read, watch, and listen to by culture's standards, I'm a pretty good person.  If I judge it by God's standards, however, it's a whole different story.  I believe that culture should not be allowed to dictate my standards.  It's hard to stand against the mainstream flow, especially when I pick up a book that I've been wanting to read for a long time and find it filled with content I'd much rather avoid.  Do I push through, trying to ignore what I'm reading and skipping scenes, or do I put the book down immediately and make a mental note to return it to the library right away?  Unfortunately, it can be really hard to avoid books that go against my standards.  This brings us back to the question in the title: whose standards?  Whose standards are you going to live by?  What's going to dictate your choices?  Are you going to let other people dictate your decisions, or are you going to take responsibility for your own choices?  Who are you listening to?  I want to challenge anyone reading this to examine your choices: books, movies, TV shows, music, and web browsing.  Ask yourself if they're consistent with the witness you want to present.  If you wouldn't recommend it to your parents/siblings/closest friends, maybe you shouldn't be filling your thoughts with it.  Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds."  As Christians, we are called to be salt and light, not to blend in and hide.  Our standards must be different than everyone else's.  As we are called to higher things, so we must be called to higher standards.  Will you join me?

(All verses from Bible Gateway.)


  1. Hello! I saw your link on Sarcastic Scribblings and thought I'd drop by.

    I'm one of the writers for Rebellious Writing/Rebellious Reading. Thank you for doing this post, and supporting us!


    1. Thanks for stopping by!

      I'm glad you enjoyed it; I've been following the Rebellious Writing movement from afar, and I believe it's just what is needed. I hope you guys stick around for a long while! You're greatly needed and appreciated. God bless!

    2. Aww, thank you!!! We'll do our best, and I'm so glad to hear that we've been helping you!


    3. Yes, please keep up the good work! Your mission is so amazing, and the way y'all have made it happen is awesome. I'm sure you've helped many people besides me.


  2. Rebellious Reading is definitely part of what we at RW go for--that's kind of our co-movement. We want to be for all people, not just the writers--because the readers are the ones who push the writers to put out better content!

    Thanks for supporting us, and really loved this post!

    1. You are so right - and readers are often inspired to write the books they see a lack of. With y'all keeping it up, I can foresee changes happening. I can't say how much I love your mission. Also, I've definitely benefited from your Book Scout posts, and I hope to see more of those - and your cool multi-person reviews!

      Thanks so much for commenting! It's very encouraging to hear people say they like this.



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