Return of the Blogger, or My Crazy Life in Quotes
So, what has this mythical runaway creature been up to lately? Besides overload of classwork, of course. Let's see. Here's the last couple months, summed up in one quote. What is this madness called life? - Brianna Stacyn, 2018. Oh, you want more than that? Fine, fine. So, after I posted in March saying that I was going to take a break, I did a LOT of homework. (And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. You guys, it was ridiculous.) Several major papers, three presentations - all at least ten minutes long, all by myself - a few finals (one of which I didn't have time to study for,) the normal day-to-day load, catch-up from being gone, and now I'm done for the year!!!! Freedom is so sweet, y'all. Beyond that, what have I been doing? ( Nothing .) I'm so glad you asked! Because do I have a lot of fun quotes for your reading pleasure! Please don't question my sanity after all of this. First of al...